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Learn more about Arualab 

In Arualab we believe in the power of working together, that is why we help companies connect with top-of-the-line engineers from different parts of the world. We are an international technology outsourcing group, based in Miami and Costa Rica.
Our mission is to deliver the greatest level of technical support to our clients.

Why Costa Rica?

Costa Rica is a very competitive country in Central America, with worldwide recognition in environmental topics. Costa Rica’s electrical energy is 98% derived from renewable energy sources, making it a strategic partner in today’s market. 

Near-shoring to Costa Rica has numerous benefits to companies in the United States. One of the most

important to take into consideration is Costa Rica’s educational system, which is ranked 32nd in the world, the highest in Latin America, according to the World Economic Forum. Costa Rica offers some of the best engineers worldwide, with the greatest standards in the market.


Costa Rica’s time zone is very similar to the United States, making it easier for companies to work together despite the distance.

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